Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Accessing ResourceManager in ActionScript files

Well, Accessing in resourceManager object in Flex mxml is easy. You might face difficult accessing it in the action script (.as) files of the project. The easy way to do that is by having a method in the mail mxml file like the following.

public function getRMInstance():IResourceManager
return resourceManager;

Now, in your action script file , you can access this method in the following way.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

India and 63 years of its Independence

It seems that our politicians are on a break. Today after I woke up and didn't find any news in the paper with HTML H1 heading. In the last thirty days or so naxalism, train accidents, encounters, rotten grains, trouble in Kashmir, mining irregularities and not to mention corruption & scams all over.

I don't know where are we heading towards. Over the last sixty odd years, this country has turned in to a breeding ground for corrupt politicians & bureaucrats . What good is the independence if it cannot bring good to the people of the country. As rightly said by Big B, the front page in the news papers is all about the failure of humans and the last page about achievements and medals.

As my sir(Mr.Abhyankar) rightly says, the current generation has to sacrifice their careers to embrace politics,civil services, NGOs services to bring a revolution and thus a positive change, that we all wish to see.

I hope , along with you all, will get to see the change in my life time.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flash browser plugin version in Object tag

If you have a situation where you have to force the client side adobe Flash plug-in to be of a specific version, you can achieve this by mentioning the version in the Object tag.

For example
object id='xyzChart' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0' height='100%' width='100%'>

Here as you can see, I have added version parameter to the codebase attribute with version value as 10.

This is particularly required for IE browsers, where certain flex components do not get displayed if the client browser has older flash plugin.